Seed Capital Funding

Creating Value through Partnership!

This is our seed capital funding or very startup funding who already passed raising capital from Friends and Family, Angel Investors, and Crowd Funding sources. We select many seed capital funding every year without any fundraising history or record of accomplishment. We participate with the existing owners and/or founders and take a percentage of the company or project’s equity as a common shareholder. This is the very easy funding process. Do not require much document preparation. We welcome to submit your project in a form of brief Business Plan or Executive Summary in order for us to review and understand your business and your funding need. We will even look into a project that has not been started yet, only has an idea to explore.

Funding Volume:

Minimum $50,000.00 to $500,000.00 range.


No Retainer required.

Equity types:

Participate with the owner and/or founder as a Common Shareholder Equity.

Offering Memorandum:

No offering memorandum required.

Term Sheet:

We will describe our investment in a simple Term Sheet.

Closing Cost:

No Closing Cost or a very small Closing Cost requires which is not more than $5000.00

Performance Compensation:

There is no Performance Compensation available.


No Brokers, Broker-Dealers, and/or intermediaries in this category of funding. The entrepreneur must submit the business proposal directly to us. We do not pay any broker’s compensation in this category of funding.

Administrative Fees:

There are no Administration and Management Fees required.

Equity types:

We participate in the Common Share with owner and founders of the Company.

We prepare the agreement at no cost to the Owner and Founders of the Company.